"Week of Service".
During this week several ward members combined efforts (both sisters and
priesthood holders) to bless each other and beautify our surroundings. Our
service activities included various types of outside gardening and cleaning
projects, painting the insides of a home, humanitarian efforts donated to
Mary Bridge Hospital, backpack for kids participation, deep cleaning the
Key Center Building and set-up, decorating, food preparation and clean-up
of a final BBQ. These services described are only the actual organized
service projects for the week. There were many quiet services that
occurred during this week in addition.
prepared a schedule of 2 to 3 different services projects available to help
with per day. We then encouraged through phone calls participation that
would work with each individuals circumstances trying to offer
opportunities for all to serve and many to be served. What a wonderful
week we had! We did discover that there are many needs that our sisters
have and a potential to help organize mini co-op work groups to help
sisters work with one another on a more regular basis. As Sisters in Zion
we all work together, but we all work better when it's along side someone
we love right?!