
Key Center and Minter Creek Humanitarian Committee Strikes Again

The combined Humanitarian Committee from the Key Center and Minter Creek Wards took another donation of handmade quilts, pillow cases, Bead Bags, hats, booties and cocoons to their favorite project:  Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital.  Check out the pictures for a sample of their beautiful work.  

They do so much to help this community of children and families that are struggling with unplanned illness.  We appreciate and admire their service.  We know they love getting together every week to sew, visit, and eat lunch together.  Special thanks to Bonnie Granger for all of her dedication, coordination, and the way she moves heaven and earth for these little ones.

Inga Holmquist, Donor Relations, from Mary Bridge sent Bonnie a note expressing the sentiments of the hospital.  Here are excerpts:
Thank you so much for yet another awesome donation!  I was just bowled over by all the beautiful work you and your group brought to Mary Bridge yesterday!  Thank you so much for taking Mary Bridge to your hearts, and for supporting our young patients.  It means so much, and your work is so deeply appreciated, words fail me (but I’ll try!). 

 I know I have mentioned this before, but it amazed even me to learn just how important it is when a child has their own beautiful, cheerful quilt that they can snuggle in and be warmed by.  

Intellectually, I can understand how nice that would be, but when the head of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit shared with me that it actually seems to help in the healing process for a child to have that cuddly, unique, handmade quilt, I was moved by his earnestness.  

Somehow kids and their families just get it, that the community supports them and is sending love and kindness.  I had no idea the quilts and blankets were so important and meant all that, but now I know.  That’s why I can never say enough how grateful we are to you and your whole group for your efforts, your talents, your generosity, and your amazing kindness and caring for the kids of Mary Bridge.
Thank you all again for your immeasurable kindness.

Very best wishes, 


We couldn’t have said it better.  THANK YOU Key Center and Minter Creek!

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