Dear Sisters of the Gig Harbor Stake,
As the time draws closer for our semi-annual General Conference this October, I thought it would be interesting to go back ten years and look at what was being said in the October Conference of 2002. Of course I wanted to find out who the women were who spoke alongside the apostles and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. I was curious to see if the messages given then were any different than the messages we are receiving today. I wondered what the women wanted to teach us in the past. I came across a talk given by Margaret D. Nadauld called A Woman of Faith given during the Sunday morning session.
This sub-heading caught my eye:
“A woman of faith trusts God…She knows of His interest in her life. She knows that He loves her. She loves His words and drinks deeply of that living water.”
She explained “…that the Lord has taught us the plan for happiness and has given us the vision of it and the hope to follow it.”
As I have come to know the sisters in the Gig Harbor Stake, I have been blessed by your Christ-like examples and your power for good in these turbulent times. I have witnessed countless examples of our sisters responding to the Lord’s invitation to “come follow me” as they have performed acts of service and compassion. They have given hope to those whose hands hang down, and sight to those who have lost the vision of what Christ has for them. They have helped others to see the Lord’s love for them. They have given hope to the hopeless.
Sister Nadauld expressed, “… a woman of faith who trusts God is confident and fearless, but also loving and gentle and she faces adversity with hope.”
As you partake in General Conference next week, I hope you will realize that message from 2002 regarding this “living water” is still as pertinent today as it was ten years ago. Drink deeply of the words and the spirit of this upcoming conference. Know that Heavenly Father understands and values what you do to help yourself and others. You matter to Him.
With love and appreciation for all you do, Kandice Carnahan