
A Day of Spiritual Enrichment

We will meet together in the chapel at 10:00 a.m. to hear words from our Stake President, President Fields. Following President Fields, there will be eight wonderful classes to choose from. You may select one class to attend before the luncheon and one class afterwards. The conference will adjourn at 2:00 p.m. Sunday dress is appropriate.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morning Classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Piercing the Veil:  Deepening our Relationship with the Lord
While the world rushes on, we can take time to draw near to the Savior through increasing holiness in our daily lives.  
Presented by Sister Lynette Weaver of the Washington Tacoma Mission

Going About Doing Good
Opportunities to serve and bless the lives of others surround us each day. How can we recognize these needs and position ourselves to be in the right place, at the right time, to do what Christ would do?
Presented by Sister Bonnie Ellsworth

Distinct and Different, in Happy Ways
Rejoice in the unique lives of Latter-day Saint women – You are amazing! 
Presented by Sister Angie Probst

Home: A Safe Harbor
Keeping our homes a sanctuary from the world requires vigilance and constant effort. Come share your ideas and learn from others.
Presented by Sister Cheri Himmer

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afternoon Classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nurture the Rising Generation
Our children and youth face difficult challenges growing up in today’s world. Let’s talk about raising a righteous generation, starting young.
Presented by Sister Melanie Fields

A Sacred Edifice, A Holy Place
Broadening your vision as a woman of Christ through the strength of temple blessings.
Presented by Sister Stacey Howard

Come What May, and Love It
Are we allowing personal trials, adversity and hardship to isolate us? How can we choose to learn from difficult times when we would rather crawl back under the covers?
Presented by Sister Bonnie Gibbons

Our Hearts Knit as One
As in the time of Enoch: Increasing unity in our marriages, families and wards.
Presented by Sister Cindi Perry